Principal Investigators
Arens, Raanan, MD
The project is within the scope of R01 HL130468 entitled: "A Computational Biomechanical Airway Model for Obese Children at Risk for OSAS" that focuses on implementing state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during wake and sleep conditions using analytical and machine learning techniques to determine the static (3D) and dynamic (4D) architecture and tissue characteristics of the upper airway in wake and sleep conditions. These methods are coupled with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and biomechanical modeling to establish the biomechanical basis of OSAS in children with obesity. The proposed project addresses 2 important priorities of NHLBI: 1) Incorporation of individuals with Down syndrome into existing disease cohorts and clinical trials directed toward sleep apnea. 2) Identification of potential risk and resilience factors that make individuals with Down syndrome susceptible to transient or persistent blood disorders and congenital heart disease.