The Nexus is a patient registry, clinical database, and biological sample bank focused on developmental disorders. Its major goal is to advance research by (i) linking human cognitive, behavioral, neurological and other clinical phenotypes to biological samples, including DNA, plasma, and lymphoblastoid cell lines, and (ii) facilitating access to appropriate patient cohorts for research purposes. The Nexus is unique among biorepositories in that it combines extensive clinical data and biosamples, and emphasizes the inclusion of quantitative cognitive and behavioral data.
Principal Investigators
Espinosa, Joaquin, PhD Rosenberg, Cordelia Robinson PhD, RN
Individuals between 1 month and 85 years old who have an intellectual or developmental disability are enrolled in this study, as well as healthy parents and siblings of participants. The Nexus provides for enrollment, behavioral data banking, blood sample collection, processing and storage of plasma and DNA, and creation and storage of immortalized lymphoblasts.
Investigators from the University of Colorado, or working with a collaborator at the University of Colorado, may submit queries regarding study-specific sample availability to the Nexus Coordinator at any time. All requests must be reviewed by an Approval Committee before samples are disseminated.
Participant data and samples are typically provided in a de-identified manner; PHI or patient re-contact may be requested for subjects who have given prior approval. Nexus approval, IRB protocol approval (for human-subjects research only), and secured study funding are required for data/sample access.