The INCLUDE DCC will have booth presence and speaking opportunities at major Down syndrome-focused conferences in the next few months.
5th T21RS International Conference 2024
The T21 Research Society (T21RS) International Conference is celebrating its 5th international conference in Rome, Italy from June 5-8, 2024. INCLUDE DCC’s Dr. Huiqing Li and Dr. Joaquin Espinosa will be presenting, Developing data ecosystems for collaborative Down syndrome research in the age of artificial intelligence, which includes discussions on international cohort development, data sharing, and multidimensional datasets in the INCLUDE Data Hub.
52nd Annual NDSC Convention
The INCLUDE DCC will be at the 52nd Annual National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) Convention from July 25-28, 2024 in Phoenix, AZ through a booth and speaking events.
Thursday, July 25 - GLOBAL Research and Medical Care Roundtable
Saturday, July 27 - Exploring the Latest Discoveries in Down Syndrome Research Cutting-Edge Clinical Trials and Groundbreaking Results!
Saturday, July 27 - A global approach to Down syndrome research: United States, Latin America, and beyond! / Un enfoce global de la investigación sobre el DS: Estados Unidos, América Latina y más allá
Saturday, July 27 - The NIH INCLUDE Project: Understanding the Latest Research Discoveries for Parents of Children and Adults with Down Syndrome
2024 DSMIG-USA Annual Symposium
Dr. Melissa Parisi, Dr. Huiqing Li, and Dr. Joaquin Espinosa will speak at the Annual Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG) Symposium on Thursday, July 25, 2024 in Phoenix, AZ. The symposium is an opportunity for Down syndrome experts to share their knowledge on the clinical care and research of individuals with Down syndrome.